Facebook Meme

I saw this meme on my facebook feed. I think it is one of the most inappropriate meme I have ever seen. First, I think it is violent in what it is saying and the words it is using. Second, I think it is violent toward all the people that have lived a sexual abuse. There is a lot of young children on facebook and pages that post meme are one of the type of pages they follow. Therefore I found it inappropriate to write with words like “Dickhead”. The subject of this post is also inappropriate. The fact that we have teachers that have sexual relation with their students is an issue that we need to fix, not laugh about it. It is not something we can joke about, because even if maybe some found that it is some kind of privilege, it is not. Some teachers may used their position of power to force a student, in wich case it is probably not something to brag about and can be also a traumatizing exeperience. I think that it is completely wrong to named people who have been victims of abuse “unappreciative little dickheads”. Finally this meme encourage, in a certain way, victims of abuse to keep their mouth shut and to not denounce their abuser.

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